Saturday, June 5, 2010

Calvary Chapel

So I looked up the Boise Calvary Chapel and it looks like it would be good. One good thing about Calvary Chapel in general is that they all study the same bible passages at the same time. So if you go to one Calvary Chapel and then go on vacation or something, they should be on the same verses or chapters, etc.
It looks like they have some outreach groups that help different areas of your at risk teens, jail ministry, elderly, etc. One thing that is kind of interesting is that they have an LDS Outreach that helps people transition out of Mormonism. This may be something worth checking out.

This page says a lot about what their stance on things is...

They also have a pretty cool father/son camping trip coming up.

Overall, I think that it looks like a good church. The doctrine seems sound and it seems like a warm, inviting place. Of course, you will have to decide for yourself because only you can know if it seems like home to you.

Lots of love,