Saturday, June 5, 2010

Calvary Chapel

So I looked up the Boise Calvary Chapel and it looks like it would be good. One good thing about Calvary Chapel in general is that they all study the same bible passages at the same time. So if you go to one Calvary Chapel and then go on vacation or something, they should be on the same verses or chapters, etc.
It looks like they have some outreach groups that help different areas of your at risk teens, jail ministry, elderly, etc. One thing that is kind of interesting is that they have an LDS Outreach that helps people transition out of Mormonism. This may be something worth checking out.

This page says a lot about what their stance on things is...

They also have a pretty cool father/son camping trip coming up.

Overall, I think that it looks like a good church. The doctrine seems sound and it seems like a warm, inviting place. Of course, you will have to decide for yourself because only you can know if it seems like home to you.

Lots of love,

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your insight.
    As you know I have been struggling with the church thing for some time now and unfortunately some of the things that happened with this girl Dustyn got involved with... going there isn't a option for awhile.

    In a nut shell. She was new to the church too. They met at the youth group, started hanging out and she was crazy. She was also 18... which I was NOT happy about. In a weeks time she was all over the place. She wanted to spend ever second of the day with him... very possessive. Started talking to him as if she was his mother... telling him what to do, how to dress... at first he found it endearing... I told him.... it was not good. He had a mother, he needed to look for someone to be a companion. She completely freaked him out one time... told he she had had a dream where she found him stabbed to death and a little girl in a dirty white dress was standing near him... she also started talking to him about weegee (sp?) boards... how she has used them and things have happened. HE WAS completely freaked out! I told him it was time to break it off! He did- several things happened... the finally was when she came to our house with a friend, the friend came to the door and asked for D saying she was from the church... once he went outside she came running up and started punching at him. He wasn't hurt... just shoulder blocked her... she started to go after his face and then jumped in the car and left. I called the police. They documented everything and asked if we wanted to file assault charges. I decided not to... but they had advised me to call her and make it very clear that she was NOT welcome anymore... and to have NO contact what so ever and they would also do the same. So far... she has stopped.

    We have friends that go to Calvary. We went last night for the first time. We liked it. It was very welcoming. The music was great and the message was very inspiring. Over all good experience. I do think we will go back. I have struggled so much with that part of my life missing and really when that part isn't there... the rest of the body and soul is just lost.

    I am feeling much better I sent you an email about the transfer- very excited about that. Now I need to find a way to get a hold of a laptop. I have been looking on craigslist and ads for electronic stores... Just need to get the funds together to buy one.

    It has been raining cats and dogs here. So running outside hasn't been a choice. I haven't done anything lately. I am planning to get my butt in gear. I am going to set a goal this week to run at least 3 days... with hopes that I can make it 4 or 5. My food has been much better the last several days. I haven't gone of sugar yet... more watching portion sizes and making good choices.

    My weight as of this morning 243.

    I actually feel well rested today. I am hoping to go to bed early this week.

    Dustyn's b day is Tuesday, we are not going to do anything special... we paid for him to go to drivers ed... so that was his present. Might have some b-day cake.

    ok. Thanks for getting me here finally. I will be back regularly.

    Hugs and much love coming your way.
